Sunday, October 26, 2008

Raleigh Revealed

I just finished a group project with Robert Ruehlman, Daniel McCafferty and Caroline Prietz. Our goal was to create a web experience that revealed something about Raleigh, utilizing schemas outlined in Kevin Lynch's book, Image of the City. This is a prototype for an interactive web experience with the goal of revealing the history behind current raleigh locations. we focused on history related to the civil rights movement.I will post the process work soon, but wanted to test this video. I have figured out how to record a flash animation with a cursor in it. So, here is an animation of simulated user interaction with our site.

Raleigh Revealed from marty on Vimeo.


Alberto Rigau said...

Can you scrub back to that part? No, not that on. That one. Oh wait, no, not that one. THIS ONE!

Marty Maxwell Lane said...
